Luis Felipe Fabre: Declaración de las canciones oscuras (Recital of the Dark Verses)

The latest addition to my website is Luis Felipe Fabre‘s Declaración de las canciones oscuras (Recital of the Dark Verses). Saint John of the Cross/San Juan de la Cruz was a sixteenth century mystic and was revered by many but not well liked by the religious authorities because of his piety and asceticism. He had … Read more

Belén Gopegui:Quédate este día y esta noche conmigo ( Stay This Day And Night With Me)

The latest addition to my website is Belén Gopegui‘s Quédate este día y esta noche conmigo ( Stay This Day And Night With Me). This is a novel about Google. We start with a Google intern receiving a non-standard job application. It is 50, 000 words, on paper, not submitted digitally and submitted by two … Read more

Almudena Sánchez : Fármaco (Pharmakon)

The latest addition to my website is Almudena Sánchez‘ s Fármaco (Pharmakon). This is about Almudena Sánchez’s struggle with depression, which hit her in her early thirties. Unlike other novels/memoirs on depression, this is not a realist account of the depression. Rather it is a writer writing about her depression rather than a depressive giving … Read more

Almudena Grandes: El corazón helado (The Frozen Heart)

The latest addition to my website is Almudena Grandes‘ El corazón helado (The Frozen Heart). This is a long and complicated novel set mainly in the present but very much looking back to the Spanish Civil War. We follow the stories of two related families, one primarily Francoist and one primarily Republican, and their respective … Read more