Agustí Bartra: Crist de 200.000 braços [Christ of 200,000 Arms]

The latest addition to my website is Agustí Bartra‘s Crist de 200.000 braços [Christ of 200,000 Arms]. This novel is set entirely in the Argelès-sur-Mer concentration camp in southern France, which housed 100,000 prisoners (hence the title) at the end of and after the Spanish Civil War, who had fled Francoist Spain. Bartra was a prisoner there. He was primarily a poet and this is a poetic novel, while not shunning the grim reality of life in a bitterly cold camp, rife with disease, fleas and a diet of lentils. Four former comrades come together. They build a shelter, tell each other strange tales and look back to their previous lives, while trying to survive as best they can.

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