Jesús Moncada: Camí de sirga (The Towpath)

The latest addition to my website is Jesús Moncada‘s Camí de sirga (The Towpath). This is is factionalised account of the town of Mequinenza, Moncada’s home town. which was moved to the other side of the river Ebro to make way for a hydroelectric dam. Moncada gives an affectionate but at times mocking account of the town and its inhabitants as they prepare for the move, delving back into the history of the town. We follow, in particular the story of Carlota Torres, from her childhood to the time of the move. She remains the last hold-out, refusing to move. There are many divides in the town but, in particular the divide between the rich and poor, which comes to the fore during and after the Civil War. The rich are hypocritical, conducting numerous extramarital affairs, while condemning immorality. The town has done well out of coal, particularly in the two world wars, and shipping on the Ebro. Moncada gives us a rich account of many of the people of the town, past and present, rich in humour but also in affection, at times, poignancy.

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