Jaroslav Rudiš: Winterbergs letzte Reise (Winterberg’s Last Journey)

The latest addition to my website isJaroslav Rudiš‘Winterbergs letzte Reise (Winterberg’s Last Journey). Winterberg is a 99 year old man originally from what was Sudetenland. At the end of the war, German speakers were expelled and he went to Berlin. He now, with the help of his carer, Jan Kraus, plans to travel round Central … Read more

Petra Hůlová: Stručné dějiny Hnutí (The Movement)

The latest addition to my website is Petra Hůlová‘s Stručné dějiny Hnutí (The Movement). This is a feminist dystopian novel. In this New World, men are sent to a institute – in some cases voluntarily but often at the instigation of their spouses or even simply snatched from the streets, where they are retrained – … Read more

Vítězslav Nezval: Valérie a týden divů (Valerie and Her Week of Wonders)

The latest addition to my website is Vítězslav Nezval‘s Valérie a týden divů (Valerie and Her Week of Wonders) . Nezval was a committed surrealist, friends with André Breton and other surrealists when he wrote this book in 1932 (thirteen years before it was finally published in Czech). It is a spoof Gothic novel with … Read more

Josef Pánek: Láska v době globálních klimatických změn [Love in the Time of Global Climate Change]

The latest addition to my website is Josef Pánek‘s Láska v době globálních klimatických změn [Love in the Time of Global Climate Change]. This is a witty (with Czech-style wit) novel about racism and racial differences. Tomáš is a divorced molecular biologist, attending a conference in Bangalore. He does not like the place – the … Read more