Chico Buarque: Estorvo (Turbulence)

The latest addition to my website is Chico Buarque‘s Estorvo (Turbulence). Buarque is best-known as a singer and composer but he has written novels, poetry and drama. This is quite a strange one. Our unnamed narrator, originally from a rich family in Rio de Janeiro, seems to have dropped out. Awoken by a man in suit knocking at his door, he manages to escape the man and wanders around the city, visiting his rich sister (to sponge off her and to steal her jewellery), his ex-wife, also to sponge off her, and the farm where he grew up, which seems to have been partially taken over by drug-dealing squatters. He lives his life in a dream, disconnected from the real world but, despite being beaten up and trying to dispose of a case full of marijuana, seems to just about to get by.

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