The latest addition to my website is Magda Szabó‘s Katalin utca (Katalin Street). This is a new translation (September 2017) replacing the one from 2005. It tells the story of three families who had lived in nice houses on Katalin Street, before World War II but, at the start of the book, are living in one flat, the Katalin Street houses having been replaced with social housing. The post-war residents, with one family having been killed (parents sent to a camp, as they were Jewish, daughter killed tragically), one other having been killed in the war and one having defected to Greece, are all miserable with their lot. Bálint, the oldest of the younger generation, who was loved by the three daughters of the other families, has not lived up to expectations (his or anyone else’s) and the others struggle to cope, all the while dreaming of the good times in Katalin Street.