Philippe Sollers:Femmes (Women)

The latest addition to my website is Philippe Sollers‘ Femmes (Women). In this novel, Sollers moved away from his short experimental novel to a long everything novel. It is narrated by an American journalist, Will, who is partially based on Sollers, not least because he is writing a novel called Femmes (Women). Will is happily … Read more

Tatiana Țîbuleac: Vara în care mama a avut ochii verzi [The Summer When Mum Had Green Eyes]

The latest addition to my website is Tatiana Țîbuleac:‘s Vara în care mama a avut ochii verzi [The Summer When Mum Had Green Eyes]. The story starts with an outpouring of hate and contempt that the narrator, Aleksy, has for his mother, who is picking him up after his final day at school. His feelings … Read more

Jean-Baptiste Andrea:Veiller sur elle [Watch Over Her]

The latest addition to my website is Jean-Baptiste Andrea‘s Veiller sur elle [Watch Over Her]/. This novel won the Prix Goncourt in 2023. It tells the story iof Mimo (real name Michelangelo), son of sculptor, who is apprenticed to a family friend and soon proves better than his master, to the latter’s annoyance. They settle … Read more

Michael Ferrier: François, portrait d’un absent (François, Portrait Of An Absent Friend)

The latest addition to my website is Michael Ferrier‘s François, portrait d’un absent (François, Portrait Of An Absent Friend). The eponymous absent friend is François Christophe, very much a real person, a film-maker and producer of radio drama, though there is very little about him on the web. He and his daughter had been washed … Read more