The latest addition to my website is Ellis Sharp‘s Concrete Impressions. This is a wickedly funny post-modern satire, bashing non-post-modern novelists, politicians, the upwardly mobile rich, Zionists, the media, the United States and the Establishment. It tells of Mick Owen, the greatest writer of his generation. He is clearly an amalgam of the likes of Ian McEwan, Julian Barnes, Martin Amis and Co with a few Sharpisms thrown in. At the beginning, his French (third) wife hears him screaming and assumes he is being murdered. She dashes from her swimming pool but takes eighty-five pages to get to him, as we learn about his rise and all the writers and politicians Sharp does not like and mocks. And, not surprisingly, when she gets there, all is not clear. Nor is it clear who the narrator is. Indeed, a part of the fun is that a a lot of things are not clear except that there are a lot of writers and politicians Sharp does not like and is happy to damn/mock from Blair to Obama, from the then Prince Charles to numerous writers such as Updike, Roth, Bellow and so on. It is all chaotic fun and a very enjoyable read.