Gib Mihăescu: Donna Alba

The latest addition to my website is Gib Mihăescu‘s Donna Alba. Our hero, Mihai Aspru, has a colourful early life , running away, working on ships and trying to join the Foreign Legion in 1915. Back home he joins the Romanian army in World War I but survives, though his father, a doctor, dies. Back from the war, while waiting to take his exams, he sees a beautiful woman, Alba Radu Şerban, the eponymous Donna Alba. The book tells of his pursuit of this woman

She is married so he gets a job as a lawyer with her husband. Though he barely sees her in this job, a long and complicated plot, involving, of course, sex and money, always has him thinking of her and trying to find ways to win her, by fair means or, in particular, foul.

The book has been translated into three languages but not English.

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