Saulius Šaltenis: Kalės vaikai (Bees on the Snow)

The latest addition to my website is Saulius ŠaltenisKalės vaikai (Bees on the Snow). The novel is set in a village in eighteenth century Lithuania. The problem for the Lithuanians is that the Germans, in particular, but also the Russians control the area. Early on, we see a Lithuanian family driven out of their home and tavern just because a German family want it. We get a host of colourful characters such as Fingerless Limba, the teacher and coffin-maker, the herdboy who becomes bell-ringer, Karvelis, poor Lotė the Betrothed and her fatherless child Jonelis and, above all, Pastor Kristijonas whose mother negotiated with Death to save him from the plague and who chooses his coffin, seemingly after he has died. Their enemies are mocked – the Germans, the bishop and his retinue and the small squire who married a much larger woman. Above all we get a host of wonderful linked stories- sometimes more than one version of the same situation – and lots of colourful characters, some good, some bad, quite a few both

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