Max Blecher: Întâmplări din irealitatea imediată (Adventures in Immediate Irreality; later: Occurrence in the Immediate Unreality)

The latest addition to my website is Max Blecher‘s Întâmplări din irealitatea imediată (Adventures in Immediate Irreality; later: Occurrence in the Immediate Unreality). Blecher was dying of spinal tuberculosis when he wrote this book which was very much influenced by his stay in France when he met some of the Surrealists. On the surface it is simply an account of his boyhood, particularly one hot summer but given his state of mind, it turns out to be a highly visionary account of life (and death), replete with Surrealistic images and a view of life that looks well beyond the ordinary, while not entirely ignoring the ordinary (sex, death). Above all it is the amazing visionary images that makes the book a classic of Romanian literature.

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