Menis Koumandareas

Sadly, I have relatively few Greek writers on my site though I do have a few novels written by Greeks in my library and on my list. One of these is Menis Koumandareas. Only his short book Koula is available in English, though a few of his books have been translated into French. Sadly, he … Read more

Irène Némirovsky: Les Chiens et les loups (The Dogs and the Wolves)

The latest addition to my website is Irène Némirovsky‘s Les Chiens et les loups (The Dogs and the Wolves). This novel, unlike some of her others, is set, initially, in Kiev, where the Sinner family, a lower-middle class family, reside. Israel is a widower, bringing up a young daughter, Ada, and supporting his father-in-law. He … Read more