Oleg Shynkarenko: Кагарлик (Kaharlyk)

The latest addition to my website is Oleg Shynkarenko‘s Кагарлик (Kaharlyk). the book was originally on Facebook before being published as a book. It tells of the aftermath of the Russian invasion of Ukraine (written before the recent illegal invasion) and is set sometime (possibly seventy years) in the future. Ukraine is now substantially depopulated and has reverted to a medieval economy with no machines, electricity and modern appliances. However one key development is the morphone whereby a human consciousness can be downloaded to a machine and can be stored and function. Our hero is Oleksandr Sahaidachnyi, a direct descendant of Petro Konashevych-Sahaidachny, a seventeenth century Ukrainian political leader. He has had his consciousness downloaded and has lost his memory and is now searching for his wife and is recommended to start in Kaharlyk. We follow his journey butalso a host of other odd events – Putin as an environmentalist, the development of Mars, the Chinese takeover of Russia, the destruction of the Kremlin and many more. It is great fun and maybe somewhat prescient.

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