Juan Andrés Ferreira: Mil de fiebre [A Temperature of a Thousand Degrees]

The latest addition to my website is Juan Andrés Ferreira‘s Mil de fiebre [A Temperature of a Thousand Degrees]. This is a very long novel about two young Uruguayan men who struggle with life. Werner Gómez wants to be a writer and writes huge amounts, including a regular blog, stories, articles and novels but has struggled to get published. He eventually starts work on the Great Salto Novel (Salto is his and Ferreira’s home town). However his mental health issues, including alcohol,drugs and addiction to pornography drag him down. Luis Bruno wants to be a sport journalist and has some ideas but he too struggles and spends time in institutions, losing both jobs and his wife. Both men come from Salto but though of about the same age never meet and their paths only tangentially cross. It is a wonderfully chaotic novel but sadly seems unlikely o be translated into English.

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